Don’t go through limb loss alone. Our Certified Peer Visitors are here to listen to and support you.
Caregivers that love the people with amputations.
Yes, this is me. This was the first day I walked with my new leg. I had all the hope and expectations that I was going to be fine. I had my leg and I was mobile, so why not? Little did I know that there was a lot more to this than just walking. I had to learn so much more than just walking, and thank God, I had a great team of doctors, a support system, and awesome insurance.
This got me thinking, however, what about the people that don’t have what I have? What about people that didn’t have the insurance I had? How are they going to make this work? I started looking for support groups in my area, and that was a bust. I then started thinking okay, if no one else can do it, why not me? And this is how Stumps R Us started as a simple thought.
Go to our resource page and find out the different organizations that can help you as an amputee.
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